Monday, February 27, 2012

Landon at three months!

At three months, Landon weighs 16.5 lbs!! He wears 6 month clothes. He has wonderful head control and gets mistaken for a much older baby. He is still breastfeeding.

He likes:

Sucking his hands
Grabbing things
Blowing bubbles
TV, unfortunately

He has been noticing toys and things to grab and play with. He has started spitting up. Landon laughs in his sleep which is about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Landon has been spending more time with his hands open instead of being in fists all the time. He is smiling like crazy and is the light of my life.

Landon at two months

At two months, Landon:

23 inches long
14 lbs. 10 oz.
Wears 3-6 month clothes

He likes:
His playmat
Practicing standing
His bumbo
His frog wubbanub.
Mommy and Me yoga
Knocking over block towers
Ceiling fans
Tummy time
Sitting on my lap like a big boy

He has started smiling!! He has a little dimple!!

Baths still
Sitting in one place
Too much time in his carseat

He has reflux and takes Zantac twice a day.

Landon at one month

At one month, Landon was:

12 lbs. 5 oz.
Wearing 3 month clothes

He likes:
His hands/arms
Dancing to music
His pacifier (we call it a buh-dee)
People talking to him
Being outside

Taking baths

LP bday continued!!

So I had a c-section and all was well.

Landon Patrick Ayers was born at 6:45 pm. He weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. And was 21 inches long.
Big, strong boy!!!!

Landon went to the NICU for about six hours and I couldn't wait to see him. People kept telling me how cute he was and how much he looked like Ben... I was getting sad because other people were telling me about my baby and I didn't know. When I finally got to see him, it was love at first sight. We were able to go home on Sunday and my mom stayed the night with us that night. Breastfeeding was so hard at first... But with a lot of support and advice, I stuck it out and Landon and I got the hang of it.

On Tuesday we took him to the doctor and found out that he had jaundice pretty bad and was going to be ordered a belt that he had to wear 24-7. It plugged into the wall and he looked like the cutest little glowworm ever. After about five days, he had healed enough to not have to wear the belt anymore and I was so happy for my little guy. It was hard to comfort a crying baby when you couldn't get up and walk him around-- you were stuck in one place due to the belt being plugged in.

I was in a lot of pain for about a week. Talk about a huge adjustment. I started going to mom classes pretty soon to meet other new moms and have tried to stay busy. I am having the best time with my little guy. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Landon's birthday!!!

Travel back in time with me (since i am a horrible blogger...)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I woke up at about 2 in the morning feeling, well, strange. My tummy hurt awkwardly so I assumed that I was hungry. Luckily I was sleeping in the guest room due to my weird hot flashes so I did not bother Ben. I got some Gatorade, some crackers and the precious I pad. I did what any normal person would do- played on Facebook for hours. I now know everything about everyone and all of their family members, fyi. At about six, I finally went into our bedroom to tell Ben. I remember saying, "Babe, I think it's baby day" and then, duh, I burst into tears. Ben was his normal calm self and made me recount what I was feeling: A weird crampy-ness... Every seven minutes. Since Ben was no help, i called my mom and explained it to her. I made Ben go work out at the Y since I figured it would probably be the last time ( and I was right.) My mom told me that if it was contractions, I would be in pain. I wasnt hurting at all. We had a doctors appt that day at 3 anyway so I called the office to see if I could get in any earlier. They told me to come in at 9.

We got there at 9 and since we didnt have a true appt, we ended up waiting 45 minutes. By this time I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. Ben went to remind them that we were there and thank goodness he did. We went in the room and my wonderful doctor came in. Needless to say, she was really surprised about how far I was and also how calm I was. she said that when I called earlier, she thought I was being a first time preggo person and it was false labor. She let me come in at nine to humor me. Nope, not false. I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I was going to have a baby that day!!! We headed to the hospital, which luckily is in the same parking lot.

We got to the hospital room and got settled. Our parents started arriving. At 12, my doctor came back and broke my water. Shortly after that, I got an epidural. It was pretty painful but I could not have managed without it. Now we wait!!

My doctor came back at 530 and I was ready to start pushing!! My mom and Ben were there with me. Pushing was waaaaaay harder than I expected. I was out of breath and tired... The third push each time was worthless. They kept saying they could see his head but I just couldn't get it out. After an hour, my doctor said she didn't think I was going to be able to get him out. He was too big and even if I got the head out, the shoulders would be even more difficult and that would be dangerous. I asked her what she would do of it was her. She said she would have a c section. That was all I needed to hear and we were off!!

My mom wasn't allowed to come so she went to join the other excited grandparents. Ben got changed into the scrubs while I got prepped for the surgery.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

38 weeks!!

I know I said this last time but I am the worst blogger ever. Things are going well. I am so excited to go to the doctor every week and see how much closer I am to mommy hood. I cannot wait! The last appointment was Tuesday the 22nd and my little prince was eight pounds! He is so big and to me that means he is so happy and so healthy. I am glad I am making his time on the inside so comfortable... Even though I wish he would make his debut sooner rather than later. His room is pretty much finished. I attempted to assemble the pack and play today but had to stop midway due to lack of batteries. The major to-dos left are the car seat into the car and finishing my hospital packing. I am having a hard time deciding what he (and I) should wear home from the hospital. I want us both to be comfortable and weather appropriate and that is hard to predict if you know Houston weather. I'm sure both will be game time decisions.

Everything Ben and I do now I think this will be the last time we do this or that before my sweet boy comes. Last time out to dinner, last time to a football or basketball game, etc. I have seen my last movie in the theater (Twilight- Breaking Dawn... Duh.) Everything is a countdown. I had my last day at work- which was really sad actually. I really like my class this year. I had a super rough start to the year without Kara. She was a big part of my Wilson life and it was hard at first. I remember people saying, "you really miss Kara, don't you?" But I kept myself busy and preoccupied with my new role at work and my growing belly. And now it is over! I am super ready for this new part of my life. Ready to be a mom and have a bigger purpose in life. Hopefully next time I write will be spreading the joyful news of the birth of my beautiful, healthy and happy little boy. I love him so much already and can't wait for everyone to meet the angel I have fallen in love with over the past 38 weeks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

34 Weeks!!

I am officially the worst blogger ever. I am trying to learn from Kara and Katie and be consistent, but it is so hard. Especially now since Ben and I got rid of our main computer and now surf the internet exclusively by Ipad. It makes typing stuff like this much more difficult.

So... here I sit at my desk in my classroom. It is my lunchtime and I was thinking about my precious son and decided to write. I am not even sure anyone reads this, but oh well. I cannot believe it has been 34 weeks already. Ben and I were talking last night about how excited we are and how we know this experience is going to be more than we can even anticipate. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning to get another ultrasound and talk about timing. I will try and post after that since that is some juicy info.

As my mom would say, I have gotten "pretty big." She says that with love, of course, as I'm sure Ben is being loving with the new nickname he gave me, Teletubby. Nice, huh? I have been able to eat out of control lately. It is pretty unhuman. Especially with Halloween (my favorite holiday) and all the goodies at work-- it is so hard to eat normally. This is my time, I guess, to indulge. In about a month, I will be trying to watch what I eat so I should enjoy this now, right?

My little boy is so active still. He moves around like crazy, hopefully completely aware of how much he is loved. Ben put his crib together last weekend- big success!!!!! It is beautiful. I finished washing all of his clothes- they are so cute and small.

I will post again tomorrow (hopefully) regarding what the doctor has to say!